??This Replacement Hands and Arms – Green Works with the Monster High Haunted Student Spirits Porter Geiss Doll Described Below – Listing is for Hands and Arms – Green Only??
When things take a spooky turn in Monster High Haunted movie, the ghouls make some new friends to save Spectra Vondergeist from a life of chains detention chains*Porter Geiss is the Son of a Poltergeist*He wears a hauntingly bootiful outfit with chain details and has ghost spray paint cans*Pose the dolls in their translucent, chain link doll stands for a hauntingly bootiful display that makes them look like they’re floating!*Collect all your favorite Monster High Haunted dolls, each sold separately!
This set is sold separately and is not included with the replacement Hands and Arms – Green Description for Hands and Arms for Fisher-Price Monster High Picnic Casket Doll Two Pack identification purposes only.