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Listening and Learning and Linking – Oh My!

Digital technology has changed every aspect of modern life, including the way toddlers and school-age children play. From the way we communicate to the way we shop to the way children play, everything has been modernized. Children’s non-digitized play, though, is here to stay – and has a valuable purpose. Children play to improve non-verbal communication skills, to develop gross motor skills, and to improve fine motor skills. That’s why parents love toys that serve triple duty, like our Story Blocks Building Sets.

Available in a variety of colorful themes, these interactive, entertaining, educational toys let children explore the world around them and use their growing imagination. The building blocks let children learn to recognize shapes, colors, and textures. They’ll also learn to connect different sized objects and create a complete picture. The accompanying book lets you interact with your child by reading the story aloud as they build and complete the set.

Savvy parents love to combine learning with playtime and turn a game children will love participating in into a beneficial educational experience into as well. After all, what could be more for than watching your toddler learning eagerly? You’ll be delighted as your child listens to the story and learns these important skills:
• your child will learn to listen
• your child will learn to age-appropriately multi-task
• your child will learn to make a cognitive connection between the words they hear and the toys in their hands

Designed specifically for toddlers, eighteen months and older, each story block set comes with a complete set of blocks, a fun, easy-to-read, easy-to-engage-with storybook, and hours and hours of fun. Our blocks are even compatible with most other interlocking block toys, so you and your child can continue the story using additional toys you have on hand. Even better, by connecting more than one story block set you and your child can build your own custom town.

These amazing toys provide years of affordable fun for children because they grow with your child beyond their toddler years. From building with blocks, your toddler will soon ask you to read the story to them, and from there, progress to wanting to read the story to you. Because children grow in the blink of an eye, choosing toys that grow with them is important.

Available in stories and themes that mimic real life situations, they also help foster understanding of life’s circumstances in an age appropriate manner. A few of our many sets are: Daddy Stays Home Sick, which helps children understand parents and embrace compassion and caring, The First Day of School which builds excitement and can help alleviate some fear around this important milestone, and Joey Gets Lost, which helps children understand the importance of staying close to their parents and following instructions.

As the holiday season approaches and you start looking for gifts that have built-in fun, enhance baby’s core competencies, provide entertainment pleasure for your toddler and let you get the biggest bang for your buck, you don’t need to look further than our Story Book Building Block Sets.

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